Approach: Find the second tab and simulate the click on it when the page loads.
With firefox and firebug this is done fast: rds tabs is the list with the class 'apex-rds'.
Here is the jQuery for my purpose:
$('ul.apex-rds > li:eq(1) > a').trigger('click');
Find the <a>, which is in the second <li>, which is in the <ul> with the class 'apex-rds' and simulate a click.
And I'm done.
The code can be put into a dynamic action or in a js-file - depending on one's needs.
Done. Almost, because somehow I am confused that the second and not first tab is selected.
Just changing the position of the 'Show all' would make me happy:
$('ul.apex-rds') // find the <ul> with the tabs
.each(function(){ // in case we have more than one RDS region
.children('li.apex-rds-first') // find the tab 'Show all'
.remove() // remove it-the function returns the removed element itself
.removeClass('apex-rds-first') // switch the classes
.appendTo($(this)) // append to the ul again
.prev('li.apex-rds-last') // go to the one that was last before
.removeClass('apex-rds-last') // remove class
.siblings('li:first') // find the new first
.addClass('apex-rds-first') // add the class
.children('a:first') // find the href in it
.trigger('click'); // and symulate a click
The last thing. I really like the new RDS region... but I am not able to choose which region (with the RDS flag) goes into this particular container. When you create a second RDS on the page, the result is quite confusing.
For an update please see the part two.